Thursday, May 29, 2014


1. Team Member Details:

  • Name: Siddharth Nawani
  • Enrollment No: 9910103538       

2. Summary of the Project:

The project focuses on how Congestion Control and Queue Management techniques have evolved in the course of time and being modified to minimize packet loss and stabilize Queue length. Extensive relevant research has been done on the existing AQM’s and from the midst of RED, our algorithm has evolved. The key idea is to modify the existing RED algorithm to achieve stabilization in Queue length at routers by decreasing packet loss in comparison to RED. The probability marking function of RED has been modified into four different functions and the results and effects on various parameters like Queue length, throughput, packet loss etc. have been simulated and compared. The design rationale of RED has been studied and enhanced to achieve better stabilized queue and throughput.

3. Project Poster

4. You tube link of Project Demonstration:

6. Contribution to open Source: My article on "Understanding & Modifying the dynamics of Random Early Drop AQM" 

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