Saturday, September 21, 2019

Collection Interview Questions (With Java 8 Enhancements) - Part 2 List Interface

1. List Interface - Specialty & implementations.

List is an Ordered collection of Objects.It can have duplicates as well. In addition to the methods available from collection interface, it also supports following operations :

  • positional access - get,set,remove,add,addall.. etc
  • search - indexOf, lastIndexOf
  • iteration - listIterator
  • range view- sublist
Implementations - ArrayList(better performing),LinkedList

Most of the polymorphic algorithms in Collections class supports list.Algorithms like - sort,reverse,shuffle,rotate,binarySearch etc.

polymorphic algorithms : In general, an algorithm is called polymorphic if it can achieve the same functionality using different data structures

2. How to convert an array of String to arraylist?


3. Do List maintain Insertion Order?

Yes. By Definition, Lists are ordered collection of objects.So insertion order is maintained by default.

4. Collection operation

List<String> list =

4. Can List Store null values?


List<String> a = new ArrayList<>();
  List<String> b = new LinkedList<>();



5. Difference between Vector and ArrayList?
6. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?

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