Thursday, October 3, 2019

JAVA Memory Area

JVM Memory Model / Structure

JVM Memory Area Parts

Heap area

It is a shared runtime data area and stores the actual object in a memory. It is instantiated during the virtual machine startup.
This memory is allocated for all class instances and array. Heap can be of fixed or dynamic size depending upon the system’s configuration.
JVM provides the user control to initialize or vary the size of heap as per the requirement. When a new keyword is used, object is assigned a space in heap, but the reference of the same exists onto the stack.
There exists one and only one heap for a running JVM process.
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

The above statement creates the object of Scanner class which gets allocated to heap whereas the reference ‘sc’ gets pushed to the stack.

Note: Garbage collection in heap area is mandatory.
The heap area represents the runtime data area, from which the memory is allocated for all class instances and arrays, and is created during the virtual machine startup.

The heap storage for objects is reclaimed by an automatic storage management system. The heap may be of a fixed or dynamic size (based on system’s configuration), and the memory allocated for the heap area does not need to be contiguous.

A Java Virtual Machine implementation may provide the programmer or the user control over the initial size of the heap, as well as, if the heap can be dynamically expanded or contracted, control over the maximum and minimum heap size.

If a computation requires more heap than can be made available by the automatic storage management system, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

Method Area:

It is a logical part of the heap area and is created on virtual machine startup.
This memory is allocated for class structures, method data and constructor field data, and also for interfaces or special method used in class. Heap can be of fixed or dynamic size depending upon the system’s configuration.
Can be of a fixed size or expanded as required by the computation. Needs not to be contiguous.
Note: Though method area is logically a part of heap, it may or may not be garbage collected even if garbage collection is compulsory in heap area.

If memory in the method area cannot be made available to satisfy an allocation request, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

JVM Stacks
Each of the JVM threads has a private stack created at the same time as that of the thread. The stack stores frames. A frame is used to store data and partial results and to perform dynamic linking, return values for methods, and dispatch exceptions.

It holds local variables and partial results and plays a part in the method invocation and return. Because this stack is never manipulated directly, except to push and pop frames, the frames may be heap allocated. Similar to the heap, the memory for this stack does not need to be contiguous.

This specification permits that stacks can be either of a fixed or dynamic size. If it is of a fixed size, the size of each stack may be chosen independently when that stack is created.

If the computation in a thread requires a larger Java Virtual Machine stack than is permitted, the Java Virtual Machine throws a StackOverflowError.
If Java Virtual Machine stacks can be dynamically expanded, and expansion is attempted but insufficient memory can be made available to effect the expansion, or if insufficient memory can be made available to create the initial Java Virtual Machine stack for a new thread, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

Native method Stacks:
Also called as C stacks, native method stacks are not written in Java language. This memory is allocated for each thread when its created. And it can be of fixed or dynamic nature.

Program counter (PC) registers:
Each JVM thread which carries out the task of a specific method has a program counter register associated with it. The non native method has a PC which stores the address of the available JVM instruction whereas in a native method, the value of program counter is undefined. PC register is capable of storing the return address or a native pointer on some specific platform.

Working of a Garbage Collector:

JVM triggers this process and as per the JVM garbage collection process is done or else withheld. It reduces the burden of programmer by automatically performing the allocation or deallocation of memory.
Garbage collection process causes the rest of the processes or threads to be paused and thus is costly in nature. This problem is unacceptable for the client but can be eliminated by applying several garbage collector based algorithms. This process of applying algorithm is often termed as Garbage Collector tuning and is important for improving the performance of a program.
Another solution is the generational garbage collectors that adds an age field to the objects that are assigned a memory. As more and more objects are created, the list of garbage grows thereby increasing the garbage collection time. On the basis of how many clock cycles the objects have survived, objects are grouped and are allocated an ‘age’ accordingly. This way the garbage collection work gets distributed.
In the current scenario, all garbage collectors are generational, and hence, optimal.
Note: System.gc() and Runtime.gc() are the methods which requests for Garbage collection to JVM explicitly but it doesn’t ensures garbage collection as the final decision of garbage collection is of JVM only.

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