Sunday, December 22, 2019

Microservices - Part 3- SOAP vs RESTful Microservices

SOAPRESTful microservices
An XML-based message protocol.An architectural style.
Uses WSDL for communication between the consumer and the provider.Use XML or JSON to send and receive data.
Invokes services by calling the RPC method.Simply call services via the URL path.
The transfer is over HTTP. Also uses other protocols, such as SMTP or FTP.The transfer is over HTTP only.
SOAP-based reads can’t be cached.RESTful microservice reads can be cached.
SOAP is not very scalable.RESTful microservices are very scalable.
SOAP is more suitable for enterprise systems and high-security systems, such as a banking system.RESTful microservices are suitable for all types of systems apart from where high
security and high reliability is critical.
Doesn’t support error handling.Has built-in error handling.
Uses service interfaces to expose the business
Uses URI to expose business logic.

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